News & Events for Keystone Pub & Patio Polaris

Keystone Pub & Patio Polaris
Our key to a good time is measured in pints!
Nathan Henry Tonight! #columbusohio #polarisbars #HappyHourVibes #keystonepubpolaris #polarisohio #LiveMusicNights #drinkspecials #CinemarkTheatres #polarisbarscene #movies #datenight
The only thing Jeff likes more than trivia is 1/2 off Wings with his trivia!!! Jeff's Trivia hint: "Did you watch the Grammys and are you watching the Super Bowl?!" #80centwings #wingnight #wingspecials #trivia #halfoffwings #wingdeals #columbusohio #polarisbars #polarisohio #keystonepubpolaris #HappyHourVibes
1/2 off Wine Wednesday with Schwab and Molly! #keystonepubpolaris #columbusohio #polarisbars #HappyHourVibes #polarisohio #LiveMusicNights #wine #halfoffwine #WineWednesday #JohnSchwab
Tequila Tuesday with Free Pool All Day!!! #polarisbarscene #keystonepubpolaris #drinkspecials #CinemarkTheatres #columbusohio #polarisbars #polarisohio #foodspecials #HappyHourVibes #tequila #tuesdayspecial #freepool